Intelligence and Security Division is the main division of Intelligence and Security under Bihar Police Headquarter. lntelligence and Security Division plays a vital role for protecting the interest of State.
Special branch under the Intelligence and Security Division, is the premier lntelligence Unit of Bihar Police. lt came into existence in 1946, where Security Division is also a part of it.
Main functions of Special branch :-
● Special Branch is responsible for collecting, analyzing and disseminating intelligence to counter the threat of antisocial, anti-national, smuggling ofcontraband and trans-border activities.
● Special Branch also carries out verifications for various purposes.
● Special Branch deals with sensitive matters like violent mass agitation, communal issues and other lnternal security
matters, which may pose potential and real threat to the security of the State.
● Special Branch reports on circulation of Rumors (Online and Offline), News, Letters, Posters etc. which is likely to disturb public peace and thereby assists the local police
● Special Branch also coordinates with other intelligence agencies.
Special Branch is headed by Additional Director General of Police (Special Branch), who is assisted by lnspector General of Police (Special Branch), Deputy lnspector General of Police (Special Branch), and 3 Superintendent of Police (Special Branch). Security Division is also headed by an Additional Director General of Police, who is assisted by Deputy lnspector General of Police, Superintendent of Police and Commandant (SSG).
Some important sections under the Security Division :-
1. Security Section
2. Special Security Cell
3. Bomb Detection & Disposal Unit
4. Establishment cell
5. Witness Protection cell.
The Special Security Group (SSG) has been constituted under the Special Security Group Act, 2000. It has been amended in the years 2010 and
2017 to complete the required action. It is operated under the Bihar Special Security Group (Appointment and Service-Condition) Rules, 2000, 2018
(amended). The force provides proximity security to the Hon'ble Chief Minister of Bihar, his immediate unmarried family members, former Chief Ministers
of Bihar (up to five years after relinquishing office).
Main functions of Security Division :-
● Providing the security to categorized persons, honorable ministers, VlPs; monitoring the security/ conducting antisabotage check during the tour/programs of VlPs ;
● Providing security to the individuals based upon threat perceptions as per the guidelines of Home Dept., Bihar Government;
● Issuing directions regarding providing protection to the witnesses;
● Imparting training to PSOs regarding VIP security.