Government Railway Police has been established to control criminal activities and various types of law and order problems in Indian
Railways and to keep them safe from criminals, anti-social elements and subversives. The functions/duties/control and other activities of the
Government Railway Police have been described in Chapter-17 Rule-458 to 515 of the Police Manual Rules.
Functions of Government Railway Police
● Detention, investigation, and investigation of cognizable offenses within railway limits.
● Arrest of accused in cognizable cases.
● Maintaining law and order, peace and security at railway stations.
● To watch the trains standing at the stations.
● Escorting moving trains.
● To enquire into all accidents and unnatural deaths occurring within railway limits.
● To ensure vigilance and protective action during the arrival of VIPs at the stations and during their journey.
● Keeping information about habitual criminals of railways and getting them copied.
One cyber police station is being set up in each railway district. 27 women help desks are also being set up under the railway
sector. In this, problems related to women passengers will be solved quickly. A control room has been set up which is working 24X7. Bihar Railway
Police organization is headed by ADG (Railway), assisted by IG (Railway) / DIG (Railway), and further assisted by SP (Railway).